Psalms 2:1-3
Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.”
Having read through the news reports this morning on the happenings surrounding Ferguson Missouri and the Grand Jury verdict about the Mike Brown case, I am reminded why we are in this position personally and as a nation. There are folks looting businesses. Vain! There are folks burning buildings… Vain! I am torn inside because of their actions. Having come to this Psalm only solidifies the reason for all of the rage that has come against a nation when it instead should be directed to an unseen foe.
In the book of Samuel, we read that the people/nation of Israel are demanding a king. Demanding a king? They already had a King, his name was Jehovah and he delivered them from Egypt and established them as a nation. None-the-less, the people still demanded to look like the rest of the world and wanted a figurehead to represent them. Yes even with a king anointed by God, men were doing what they thought was right in their own eyes, not according to the will of God.
The same story has played over and over throughout history, including our own nation. It is men wanting to live their own lives according to what is right in their own eyes. This is self-centered to say the least and it fosters the same. When men take God out of the picture, they suddenly set themselves up to become “kings” in their own eyes. We feel that we should reign as “Kings” of our own household. “Kings” of our own businesses. “Kings” of our own desires.
Certainly, this could work, if the kings were anointed by and subject entirely to God. But alas, when men are bent on doing everything which is “right within their own site” (and not necessarily God’s), things spiral out of control quickly. There is only room in a kingdom for one king. When more than one king tries to rule, ultimately conflict is born.
What would God desire in our Nation? He would desire that they turn to Him, the only true “King”. What would that Nation look like? I think it would look like this: It would have a leader who was chosen by God to lead this country according to God’s desire. It would lead to a government that was “By God” and “For God” made up of people who desired God’s will. It would lead to Government agencies that would maintain God’s laws and bring to justice those who would rage against Him. It would lead to citizens who desired the things of God and not live meaningless lives devoted only to self and personal gain. It would lead to parents who raise children to do the same. It would lead to God being blessed by such devotion and, the people, blessed in return for it.
Utopia? Perhaps, but that is what I feel God has in mind for us. But where do you begin? As a Christian parent, I think the best place to start is to teach our children to desire God and live according to His will. We need to lay down the crown of our own kingdoms and seek the mind of Christ. When our children rebel (and they will), our reaction is against their sin towards God and not about our own kingship. Authority, we have. But we should constantly direct them to their King.
If we start there, then maybe there won’t be a generation that decides it is right to rule over other men. We would become servants of our one true King and work for the glory He deserves. Then, we could belong to the Nation that God is building and welcoming new citizens daily.