Day 5 – 1 Kings 19:1-18
Every since I was a child, I have read of all these things that God has done in our lives. Such a great cloud of witnesses surround me. They are in the inspired words of men about our God. They are just as evident in the lives of men and women that we know.
Elijah in the chapter previously had trusted God and not only called down fire on the sacrificial altar, but had also trusted that God would send rain to end the drought. All these things were witnessed by the false prophets (who later didn’t fare well) and also by Ahab.
Now granted, I have never called fire down on the altar to consume a sacrifice in front of devil worshippers, but you would think Elijah would be spiritually “on top of the world” about right now. Instead his experience is short lived and he gets depressed. Maybe it was because a woman says she is going to have him killed but I rather think it was because Ahab had given the Glory of all the events to Elijah instead of God. Either way, when Elijah heard about it, he ran for his life and even prayed that God would take his life.
When we cross the highest mountains we must at some point pass through the valley below. Some journeys require supernatural strength and the Lord will provide the nourishment, but we have to eat.
From inside the mountain of Horeb, Elijah was still depressed and perhaps a little angry. When God asked him why he was there, he responded that he alone was still a follower of God and everyone else was against him.
I’ve been in that place before. I’ve been through a spiritual Samaria where nobody wants to give God glory and just like James and John I wished that God would call down fire them; how naïve to think that you alone are within the will of God.
That’s what God was telling Elijah. “See the wind tearing the mountain apart Elijah?” “Do you feel my power throughout all the Earth in this earthquake?” “See this fire I sent upon the mountain to consume everything?” God is telling him that nothing can stay his hand if that is way he chooses to work in the world.
And then….. There is that small still voice. “Listen for me Elijah.” “This is the way, walk in it” “Stay on the path, walk in the way.” God is here telling Elijah to quit worrying what the world is telling him. Jezebel has no power over God. Did Elijah so easily forget the strength of the Lord’s arm? No mortal man could so much as lay a hand on Elijah unless God had allowed it. Listen for the Lord Elijah.
Apparently Elijah got the point eventually. When he had learned the lesson, God revealed some things to Elijah. God had providentially set aside seven thousand in Israel. A remnant was held back. There always will be.
When things get tough, I too must sit back and remember that have believed in Christ. Just like the smoke from the sacrifice on the altar that Elijah has built, I have seen Jesus rise to the clouds and sit at the right hand of God. I have seen the drought come and go. I will trust in his providence and give him the glory. God give me strength.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Day 4 – Acts 1:1-12
I am feeling a little distracted this morning after I got my long awaited news from the Orthopedic Dr yesterday. I was hoping that there would be some kind of small surgery and a short recovery time to relieve the pain I have had, but instead the options that he gave me were not quite that simple. I am in a different brace for now that might help things. I will be praying about the other options.
As a born-again Christian, there is a gift that was given to us by God that enables us to carry out those tasks set before us. The Holy Spirit within us is the strength we claim, but only through our weakness can it be seen.
These truths were promised to us by Jesus, and we hear them now as men who were once deaf. Such sweet sounds are the words heard by a man who was once deaf. Even so there is much more beauty to be seen by men, who are all born blind, when they first see.
We don’t know the time when the end will come. We only know a few indicators and that certainly it will.
There is power when you receive the Holy Spirit. Just as the smallest measure of faith in our Infinite God is able to move mountains, there is also an infinite power in the work of the Spirit. Don’t think however that this power is yours to command at will. This power still originates with God and will thus be governed by his will. God doesn’t typically call the equipped; he will however equip those who are “Called” according to his purpose.
We shall all be witnesses to Jesus. This may be manifest in many different ways, but undoubtedly opportunity will be presented. I pray that I will see those opportunities and have the strength and guidance to act according to God’s will.
As the burnt offering rose to the throne room of God so that he might smell the sweet aroma of repentance, so also did Jesus rise up to be seated at the Father’s right hand. He is become our Sacrifice and High Priest. It’s only through this name can I come in prayer before God and it’s only through the same that I am seen justified.
I find myself looking to the heavens occasionally knowing that someday he will return the same way. When I gaze upwards during the day, a part of me expects to hear the trumpet blow and see the Lord coming on the clouds. However, it is not yet morning and there is still work left to do; even to the end(s) of the earth.
I am feeling a little distracted this morning after I got my long awaited news from the Orthopedic Dr yesterday. I was hoping that there would be some kind of small surgery and a short recovery time to relieve the pain I have had, but instead the options that he gave me were not quite that simple. I am in a different brace for now that might help things. I will be praying about the other options.
As a born-again Christian, there is a gift that was given to us by God that enables us to carry out those tasks set before us. The Holy Spirit within us is the strength we claim, but only through our weakness can it be seen.
These truths were promised to us by Jesus, and we hear them now as men who were once deaf. Such sweet sounds are the words heard by a man who was once deaf. Even so there is much more beauty to be seen by men, who are all born blind, when they first see.
We don’t know the time when the end will come. We only know a few indicators and that certainly it will.
There is power when you receive the Holy Spirit. Just as the smallest measure of faith in our Infinite God is able to move mountains, there is also an infinite power in the work of the Spirit. Don’t think however that this power is yours to command at will. This power still originates with God and will thus be governed by his will. God doesn’t typically call the equipped; he will however equip those who are “Called” according to his purpose.
We shall all be witnesses to Jesus. This may be manifest in many different ways, but undoubtedly opportunity will be presented. I pray that I will see those opportunities and have the strength and guidance to act according to God’s will.
As the burnt offering rose to the throne room of God so that he might smell the sweet aroma of repentance, so also did Jesus rise up to be seated at the Father’s right hand. He is become our Sacrifice and High Priest. It’s only through this name can I come in prayer before God and it’s only through the same that I am seen justified.
I find myself looking to the heavens occasionally knowing that someday he will return the same way. When I gaze upwards during the day, a part of me expects to hear the trumpet blow and see the Lord coming on the clouds. However, it is not yet morning and there is still work left to do; even to the end(s) of the earth.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Day 3 – Psalm 119:2, 19, 105, 165
Love, they say, should be reciprocal and for the most part I would agree. I take issue however with some of the teachings that I have seen/heard lately. To keep things simple, let this be stated:
We love Him, because he first loved us. We have a Blessed Hope because He gave us Jesus, what more could we need? If you’re looking for your best life now, you’re nearsighted. Be careful that you don’t trade your birth right for a bowl of soup.
I am blessed, because I try to keep his testimonies and seek him with my whole heart. I am crushed when I fail Him. “I’d rather have Jesus than anything that this old world affords me”.
I am just a Sojourner in this earth. Although princes and principalities may oppose me, He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world.
Don’t we get it? Do we not realize that even though Satan and some of the angels fell, that God never sent them a redeemer?
God, who am I that you are mindful of me? Hold me accountable always. Help me to hear the words in my ear when you say “This is the way, walk in it.” Whenever I turn to the right or left, bring me back to the path. Narrow was the Gate, but the path is also. Illuminate this way. Keep my feet secure as the hind feet of the deer. Do not hide your commandments from me. Keep your precepts before me. Get glory from a wretch.
Day 3 – Psalm 119:2, 19, 105, 165
Love, they say, should be reciprocal and for the most part I would agree. I take issue however with some of the teachings that I have seen/heard lately. To keep things simple, let this be stated:
We love Him, because he first loved us. We have a Blessed Hope because He gave us Jesus, what more could we need? If you’re looking for your best life now, you’re nearsighted. Be careful that you don’t trade your birth right for a bowl of soup.
I am blessed, because I try to keep his testimonies and seek him with my whole heart. I am crushed when I fail Him. “I’d rather have Jesus than anything that this old world affords me”.
I am just a Sojourner in this earth. Although princes and principalities may oppose me, He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world.
Don’t we get it? Do we not realize that even though Satan and some of the angels fell, that God never sent them a redeemer?
God, who am I that you are mindful of me? Hold me accountable always. Help me to hear the words in my ear when you say “This is the way, walk in it.” Whenever I turn to the right or left, bring me back to the path. Narrow was the Gate, but the path is also. Illuminate this way. Keep my feet secure as the hind feet of the deer. Do not hide your commandments from me. Keep your precepts before me. Get glory from a wretch.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Day 2 – Mark 1:35-45
These first two texts that have been given are so rich one hardly knows where to begin in a journal. It’s like sitting down to a table for a feast that is covered with nothing but deserts. I am trying to limit myself to each of these texts as they come up each day. After all, “It is not good to eat much honey….” I think in this case that eating too much of the word of God isn’t always a bad thing, but I will definitely agree that once digested it can make for some bitter gall.
Slowing down and savoring each bite seems more prudent. I suppose I will have to look for other snacks during the day. A little meat to nourish the body is in order I think. I haven’t read through Ephesians in a while………….
To today’s text –
It is not yet daylight; Jesus is still risen and he sitting at the right hand of God interceding for us.
Everyone is still looking for a Savior. Make sure it is Jesus. How can two walk together lest they agree? When you think of Heaven, it should include Jesus. Otherwise it is still just Hell.
The people looking for him were instead looking for the “Man” that could heal them and cast out demons. Some perhaps only came for the spectacle. This is not a picture of a three-ringed-circus.
What “Purpose” did Jesus come for? It was later revealed, but you should look into the early days of his ministry and see what he is speaking of here. We all too often neglect the full purpose of the Gospel. Go back to Mark 1:15 and read what Jesus said. “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel.” Don’t think that the “Gospel” only includes the records in the New Testament. This “time” that has been “fulfilled” was prophesied in the Garden of Eden. The Messiah has come to crush the head of the serpent. You can’t neglect what happened “In the Beginning”. Only after wandering around in the woods for hours will you realize that you are lost.
Preaching in their synagogues and throughout all Galilee, Jesus had a message. Look at the Sermon on the Mount for the people. Look at the parables for both the people and the leaders. Look at Paul’s theology for the scholar.
I find it necessary to point out too that there were demons to be cast out. Some were even cast out of those who were in the Synagogues. Choose the word you hear carefully.
Bring your needs before God. To realize you have needs is to be poor in spirit. We are all spiritual lepers, tainted with sin. Sin has crept in. It has become full grown and will lead to death. Jesus Wept.
Great faith draws men to healing. They are imploring God to heal them. Most men seek the right source, they usually fail however to see the true need. God is willing that none should perish. Their suffering may be used to draw them near. Their leprosy may be intentional. A blind man would never yearn for sight if he never knew it was something to be had.
“And God said” such powerful words. “I am willing; be cleansed.” He is always willing, but some purposes are greater than Leprosy. A little rain is more enjoyable after the drought.
Go, give God the glory. There was an appointed ritual to give God the glory for the healing of Leprosy. (Leviticus 14:3) Yet the man instead told others about the man that had healed him.
Guard your heart. Give God the glory when it is due. Like a sheep we often run past the Shepherd and start eating the lush green grass of the field.
There is bread and wine at the table but I came for the company.
Day 2 – Mark 1:35-45
These first two texts that have been given are so rich one hardly knows where to begin in a journal. It’s like sitting down to a table for a feast that is covered with nothing but deserts. I am trying to limit myself to each of these texts as they come up each day. After all, “It is not good to eat much honey….” I think in this case that eating too much of the word of God isn’t always a bad thing, but I will definitely agree that once digested it can make for some bitter gall.
Slowing down and savoring each bite seems more prudent. I suppose I will have to look for other snacks during the day. A little meat to nourish the body is in order I think. I haven’t read through Ephesians in a while………….
To today’s text –
It is not yet daylight; Jesus is still risen and he sitting at the right hand of God interceding for us.
Everyone is still looking for a Savior. Make sure it is Jesus. How can two walk together lest they agree? When you think of Heaven, it should include Jesus. Otherwise it is still just Hell.
The people looking for him were instead looking for the “Man” that could heal them and cast out demons. Some perhaps only came for the spectacle. This is not a picture of a three-ringed-circus.
What “Purpose” did Jesus come for? It was later revealed, but you should look into the early days of his ministry and see what he is speaking of here. We all too often neglect the full purpose of the Gospel. Go back to Mark 1:15 and read what Jesus said. “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel.” Don’t think that the “Gospel” only includes the records in the New Testament. This “time” that has been “fulfilled” was prophesied in the Garden of Eden. The Messiah has come to crush the head of the serpent. You can’t neglect what happened “In the Beginning”. Only after wandering around in the woods for hours will you realize that you are lost.
Preaching in their synagogues and throughout all Galilee, Jesus had a message. Look at the Sermon on the Mount for the people. Look at the parables for both the people and the leaders. Look at Paul’s theology for the scholar.
I find it necessary to point out too that there were demons to be cast out. Some were even cast out of those who were in the Synagogues. Choose the word you hear carefully.
Bring your needs before God. To realize you have needs is to be poor in spirit. We are all spiritual lepers, tainted with sin. Sin has crept in. It has become full grown and will lead to death. Jesus Wept.
Great faith draws men to healing. They are imploring God to heal them. Most men seek the right source, they usually fail however to see the true need. God is willing that none should perish. Their suffering may be used to draw them near. Their leprosy may be intentional. A blind man would never yearn for sight if he never knew it was something to be had.
“And God said” such powerful words. “I am willing; be cleansed.” He is always willing, but some purposes are greater than Leprosy. A little rain is more enjoyable after the drought.
Go, give God the glory. There was an appointed ritual to give God the glory for the healing of Leprosy. (Leviticus 14:3) Yet the man instead told others about the man that had healed him.
Guard your heart. Give God the glory when it is due. Like a sheep we often run past the Shepherd and start eating the lush green grass of the field.
There is bread and wine at the table but I came for the company.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Today, I start on a spiritual journey in preparation for our Sept 28th mission trip to Romania.
Over the past month I have struggled significantly with the person I am, and my position in Christ. It all came to a head yesterday and I am now seeking God to help me through my dry season.
For the past 2 years I have studied non-stop, but just realized yesterday that I was doing it all for the wrong reasons. I have little doubt that I have a calling from God to teach/preach, but my study and preparation was done for the purpose of knowledge and not for the worship of God. So much time I have spent trying to fill the void between my ears and neglecting my duty to foster the relationship that God wishes me to have with him. My search for knowledge bloomed into an Idol. I went from worshipping the magnificent Word of God to worshipping the knowledge I had of him.
I look back on the days of my studies and see all the times that God has pressed my heart into a personal time of worship and regret the opportunities that I have undoubtedly missed because of my short sightedness.
Using a list given to me by our Mission’s Director, I will postpone the systematic studies that have enveloped me over the past year and begin a 30 day spiritual prep study.
Pray for me. Times are tough.
Day 1 - Psalm 51
What a place to start and oh so appropriate. This is the text I used for the 2nd sermon I ever preached. I should practice what I preach.
God sees no difference between Lust and Adultery and it applies to more than flesh and blood.
David laments here over his sin. His spirit is broken and the conviction of Sin obviously unbearable. His bones are broken. God broke them. Blessed are those who are poor in spirit. He has a need and knows it. He has sinned against God alone and is need of cleansing.
Isaiah 1:18
Matthew 5:3
Only the Blood of Jesus can cleanse us white as snow. Only the poor in Spirit realize the absence of his presence. Like Cain we often leave his presence, even if it’s not intentional.
Justified in the blood, but we must put on Christ to continually be sanctified. The sacrifice of the Lamb means nothing without the broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart. Isaiah 1:11
You can carry a cross and it just be manual Labor.
The Lamb can be killed, but you must have placed your hand on its head. The herbs are bitter, but you must eat it all before the day dawns. The skin goes to you, you are now a priest and its memorial should not be a thing to be arbitrarily displayed. You must throw off the old man and put on Christ.
Not a knock-off North Face Jacket. Not the knock-off Reboks. We need to put on the heir of God, not an air of resemblance. Know God, cast down your Idols.
It was in sin that my mother conceived me, but Oh God make me hear joy and gladness of your thoughts about me. Let me read those words on a white stone in my name. Search out all the hidden parts of me also. Even if they need to cry out within my soul, leave no stone left unturned. Let every part of my stony heart cry out Your name.
Create a clean heart me God and renew a steadfast spirit. Restore to me the Joy of Your salvation. By your grace, lift my heart to you.
Then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will be converted. It’s the need to give you Glory that drives me to work for you. You are the God of my salvation.
Do good, in your good pleasure. Keep clean this temple. Declare Holy ground within this heart and abide there till we meet face to face.
Today, I start on a spiritual journey in preparation for our Sept 28th mission trip to Romania.
Over the past month I have struggled significantly with the person I am, and my position in Christ. It all came to a head yesterday and I am now seeking God to help me through my dry season.
For the past 2 years I have studied non-stop, but just realized yesterday that I was doing it all for the wrong reasons. I have little doubt that I have a calling from God to teach/preach, but my study and preparation was done for the purpose of knowledge and not for the worship of God. So much time I have spent trying to fill the void between my ears and neglecting my duty to foster the relationship that God wishes me to have with him. My search for knowledge bloomed into an Idol. I went from worshipping the magnificent Word of God to worshipping the knowledge I had of him.
I look back on the days of my studies and see all the times that God has pressed my heart into a personal time of worship and regret the opportunities that I have undoubtedly missed because of my short sightedness.
Using a list given to me by our Mission’s Director, I will postpone the systematic studies that have enveloped me over the past year and begin a 30 day spiritual prep study.
Pray for me. Times are tough.
Day 1 - Psalm 51
What a place to start and oh so appropriate. This is the text I used for the 2nd sermon I ever preached. I should practice what I preach.
God sees no difference between Lust and Adultery and it applies to more than flesh and blood.
David laments here over his sin. His spirit is broken and the conviction of Sin obviously unbearable. His bones are broken. God broke them. Blessed are those who are poor in spirit. He has a need and knows it. He has sinned against God alone and is need of cleansing.
Isaiah 1:18
Matthew 5:3
Only the Blood of Jesus can cleanse us white as snow. Only the poor in Spirit realize the absence of his presence. Like Cain we often leave his presence, even if it’s not intentional.
Justified in the blood, but we must put on Christ to continually be sanctified. The sacrifice of the Lamb means nothing without the broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart. Isaiah 1:11
You can carry a cross and it just be manual Labor.
The Lamb can be killed, but you must have placed your hand on its head. The herbs are bitter, but you must eat it all before the day dawns. The skin goes to you, you are now a priest and its memorial should not be a thing to be arbitrarily displayed. You must throw off the old man and put on Christ.
Not a knock-off North Face Jacket. Not the knock-off Reboks. We need to put on the heir of God, not an air of resemblance. Know God, cast down your Idols.
It was in sin that my mother conceived me, but Oh God make me hear joy and gladness of your thoughts about me. Let me read those words on a white stone in my name. Search out all the hidden parts of me also. Even if they need to cry out within my soul, leave no stone left unturned. Let every part of my stony heart cry out Your name.
Create a clean heart me God and renew a steadfast spirit. Restore to me the Joy of Your salvation. By your grace, lift my heart to you.
Then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will be converted. It’s the need to give you Glory that drives me to work for you. You are the God of my salvation.
Do good, in your good pleasure. Keep clean this temple. Declare Holy ground within this heart and abide there till we meet face to face.
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