Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Day 2 – Mark 1:35-45
These first two texts that have been given are so rich one hardly knows where to begin in a journal. It’s like sitting down to a table for a feast that is covered with nothing but deserts. I am trying to limit myself to each of these texts as they come up each day. After all, “It is not good to eat much honey….” I think in this case that eating too much of the word of God isn’t always a bad thing, but I will definitely agree that once digested it can make for some bitter gall.
Slowing down and savoring each bite seems more prudent. I suppose I will have to look for other snacks during the day. A little meat to nourish the body is in order I think. I haven’t read through Ephesians in a while………….
To today’s text –
It is not yet daylight; Jesus is still risen and he sitting at the right hand of God interceding for us.
Everyone is still looking for a Savior. Make sure it is Jesus. How can two walk together lest they agree? When you think of Heaven, it should include Jesus. Otherwise it is still just Hell.
The people looking for him were instead looking for the “Man” that could heal them and cast out demons. Some perhaps only came for the spectacle. This is not a picture of a three-ringed-circus.
What “Purpose” did Jesus come for? It was later revealed, but you should look into the early days of his ministry and see what he is speaking of here. We all too often neglect the full purpose of the Gospel. Go back to Mark 1:15 and read what Jesus said. “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel.” Don’t think that the “Gospel” only includes the records in the New Testament. This “time” that has been “fulfilled” was prophesied in the Garden of Eden. The Messiah has come to crush the head of the serpent. You can’t neglect what happened “In the Beginning”. Only after wandering around in the woods for hours will you realize that you are lost.
Preaching in their synagogues and throughout all Galilee, Jesus had a message. Look at the Sermon on the Mount for the people. Look at the parables for both the people and the leaders. Look at Paul’s theology for the scholar.
I find it necessary to point out too that there were demons to be cast out. Some were even cast out of those who were in the Synagogues. Choose the word you hear carefully.
Bring your needs before God. To realize you have needs is to be poor in spirit. We are all spiritual lepers, tainted with sin. Sin has crept in. It has become full grown and will lead to death. Jesus Wept.
Great faith draws men to healing. They are imploring God to heal them. Most men seek the right source, they usually fail however to see the true need. God is willing that none should perish. Their suffering may be used to draw them near. Their leprosy may be intentional. A blind man would never yearn for sight if he never knew it was something to be had.
“And God said” such powerful words. “I am willing; be cleansed.” He is always willing, but some purposes are greater than Leprosy. A little rain is more enjoyable after the drought.
Go, give God the glory. There was an appointed ritual to give God the glory for the healing of Leprosy. (Leviticus 14:3) Yet the man instead told others about the man that had healed him.
Guard your heart. Give God the glory when it is due. Like a sheep we often run past the Shepherd and start eating the lush green grass of the field.
There is bread and wine at the table but I came for the company.
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