Day 4 – Acts 1:1-12
I am feeling a little distracted this morning after I got my long awaited news from the Orthopedic Dr yesterday. I was hoping that there would be some kind of small surgery and a short recovery time to relieve the pain I have had, but instead the options that he gave me were not quite that simple. I am in a different brace for now that might help things. I will be praying about the other options.
As a born-again Christian, there is a gift that was given to us by God that enables us to carry out those tasks set before us. The Holy Spirit within us is the strength we claim, but only through our weakness can it be seen.
These truths were promised to us by Jesus, and we hear them now as men who were once deaf. Such sweet sounds are the words heard by a man who was once deaf. Even so there is much more beauty to be seen by men, who are all born blind, when they first see.
We don’t know the time when the end will come. We only know a few indicators and that certainly it will.
There is power when you receive the Holy Spirit. Just as the smallest measure of faith in our Infinite God is able to move mountains, there is also an infinite power in the work of the Spirit. Don’t think however that this power is yours to command at will. This power still originates with God and will thus be governed by his will. God doesn’t typically call the equipped; he will however equip those who are “Called” according to his purpose.
We shall all be witnesses to Jesus. This may be manifest in many different ways, but undoubtedly opportunity will be presented. I pray that I will see those opportunities and have the strength and guidance to act according to God’s will.
As the burnt offering rose to the throne room of God so that he might smell the sweet aroma of repentance, so also did Jesus rise up to be seated at the Father’s right hand. He is become our Sacrifice and High Priest. It’s only through this name can I come in prayer before God and it’s only through the same that I am seen justified.
I find myself looking to the heavens occasionally knowing that someday he will return the same way. When I gaze upwards during the day, a part of me expects to hear the trumpet blow and see the Lord coming on the clouds. However, it is not yet morning and there is still work left to do; even to the end(s) of the earth.
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