Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

Today, I start on a spiritual journey in preparation for our Sept 28th mission trip to Romania.

Over the past month I have struggled significantly with the person I am, and my position in Christ. It all came to a head yesterday and I am now seeking God to help me through my dry season.

For the past 2 years I have studied non-stop, but just realized yesterday that I was doing it all for the wrong reasons. I have little doubt that I have a calling from God to teach/preach, but my study and preparation was done for the purpose of knowledge and not for the worship of God. So much time I have spent trying to fill the void between my ears and neglecting my duty to foster the relationship that God wishes me to have with him. My search for knowledge bloomed into an Idol. I went from worshipping the magnificent Word of God to worshipping the knowledge I had of him.

I look back on the days of my studies and see all the times that God has pressed my heart into a personal time of worship and regret the opportunities that I have undoubtedly missed because of my short sightedness.

Using a list given to me by our Mission’s Director, I will postpone the systematic studies that have enveloped me over the past year and begin a 30 day spiritual prep study.

Pray for me. Times are tough.

Day 1 - Psalm 51

What a place to start and oh so appropriate. This is the text I used for the 2nd sermon I ever preached. I should practice what I preach.

God sees no difference between Lust and Adultery and it applies to more than flesh and blood.
David laments here over his sin. His spirit is broken and the conviction of Sin obviously unbearable. His bones are broken. God broke them. Blessed are those who are poor in spirit. He has a need and knows it. He has sinned against God alone and is need of cleansing.
Isaiah 1:18
Matthew 5:3
Only the Blood of Jesus can cleanse us white as snow. Only the poor in Spirit realize the absence of his presence. Like Cain we often leave his presence, even if it’s not intentional.
Justified in the blood, but we must put on Christ to continually be sanctified. The sacrifice of the Lamb means nothing without the broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart. Isaiah 1:11
You can carry a cross and it just be manual Labor.
The Lamb can be killed, but you must have placed your hand on its head. The herbs are bitter, but you must eat it all before the day dawns. The skin goes to you, you are now a priest and its memorial should not be a thing to be arbitrarily displayed. You must throw off the old man and put on Christ.
Not a knock-off North Face Jacket. Not the knock-off Reboks. We need to put on the heir of God, not an air of resemblance. Know God, cast down your Idols.

It was in sin that my mother conceived me, but Oh God make me hear joy and gladness of your thoughts about me. Let me read those words on a white stone in my name. Search out all the hidden parts of me also. Even if they need to cry out within my soul, leave no stone left unturned. Let every part of my stony heart cry out Your name.

Create a clean heart me God and renew a steadfast spirit. Restore to me the Joy of Your salvation. By your grace, lift my heart to you.

Then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will be converted. It’s the need to give you Glory that drives me to work for you. You are the God of my salvation.

Do good, in your good pleasure. Keep clean this temple. Declare Holy ground within this heart and abide there till we meet face to face.

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