Day 11 Matthew 4:1-42
When she came to the well for water, she didn’t realize exactly what she was missing. All she knew was that she had a thirst, and it would temporarily be satisfied by the water from the well. Unfortunately, the pot that she had would only hold so much water and she would need to return for more when it ran out.
This was a woman which most Jewish men wouldn’t even associate with because she was not only apparently rather friendly with men, she was also a Samaritan. Here however, we have Jesus not only going out of his way to meet up with this woman, but he also draws her into a conversation.
After coming face to face with her, she left eager to tell everyone of this man that she met and who she thought he was. Notice however that she left her water pot behind. She now had the knowledge of the living water springing up within her. She was now the water pot. Being such, she went into the city and spread the living waters around. By doing so, many more came to Jesus and believed in him because of the testimony of the woman.
This is so true for us all. There was a time that we were once just common clay vessels only using ourselves to go from one thirst to the next. We need to become Christ’s water pot and carry the living waters to the nations.
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