Day 8 – John 6:1-14
A lad comes forth holding his meager lunch. A Hebrew Happy Meal some have called it. It was only five small loaves of bread and two small fish. I have heard people ramble on continuously about the type of bread and the size of the sardines that a typical lad for this region might have had, but I think the focus should stay on Jesus and those willing to serve him.
Items to note. (Some of these come across more as sermon outlines…. So be it)
• Jesus let the disciples realize that they could not feed these people with their own possessions.
• Jesus sought someone willing to supply everything they had without reluctance. Do you find it unusual that there was a child near enough to the group that he was singled out? The children always tend to come closer to God.
• The lad didn’t have much, but he gave it all to Jesus. What was given to Jesus was then multiplied.
• Everyone near to God shared in this blessing, regardless of what they believed about Jesus.
Jesus sought. Jesus received. Jesus multiplied. Oh how often is the circumstance ripe for the same to happen in our lives? “What we give him” isn’t as important as the motive and intent from our heart. If we give all for the glory of God, then he will surely use it according to His will.
How often too however are we the “Phillip” in the bunch? Notice what he says in verse 7. He is basically saying that they do not have enough money to feed so many. They just don’t have the resources. When he was counting their resources, he forgot to include Jesus in the equation. Sometimes being too practical is a negative. Faith in God can stretch everything we have when he sets out to bless us. I notice also that Jesus didn’t ask him “How” we might afford enough bread to feed the multitude; he was asking “where” they were to get it.
When we see/know the will of God in different situations, we must work to see it through. Just like the lad, we need to make ourselves available to God and give him everything we have. It may be something meager like the a few loaves and fishes, but he already owns it, how could you possibly deny him of it.
Lastly I notice that when God sets out to bless a people, there is more than enough to go around. When I think of what the Lord has done for me, I can only sit amazed and wonder why.
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