Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 19 – Luke 10:25-35

We are all walking on a dangerous path. It may be a path littered with distractions and forks, or it may be that some are just on the wrong path.

Jesus said that he is the “way” the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through him. The word that Jesus used for the “way” ( hodos ) actually meant “road” or “journey”. This is the same word that Jesus uses in this parable when it said that there was a priest and a Levite who came down that “road” where the fallen man was laying. Both of them saw the man, but passed on by.

There are many of us who are on this same road; that are in the “way”. There are however many who have started down the road but have fallen or ran into unfortunate circumstances. When we come across those who have fallen, it is our duty to help our neighbors get back on the road even if it means getting a little dirty or denting our wallets. We would wish that our neighbors would also be so kind to us if it were us lying battered in the ditch.

The primary goal of having this passage in our study actually wished that we would focus on an aspect of this story that is often overlooked; If not overlooked then at least not discussed often.

We notice in the parable that the Samaritan departed before the man was completely well. He may have had urgent business or an appointment to keep. Regardless of the reason, he had gotten the man to a point where he was reasonably safe and left him in the care of the inn keeper. He didn’t stop there though. Since he couldn’t stay, he provided for the needs of the man.

There are times when we see our neighbors straying or fallen on the way. So after the priests and Levites have passed by, it is our duty to help them back up and to provide for them till they are back on their way. In its very essence, that is what being a neighbor is all about.

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