Day 26 – John 15:1-16
As a Christian, I have often found myself walking down a hard road and wondering how “I” could possibly ever make it through the situation. To my discredit, many times I have failed to make it down that road only to find that I keep coming back to it over and over.
There are trials placed before us that we must complete in order to grow in holiness. One type of these trials is placed before us to stretch our understanding, to make visible our weaknesses and to challenge our faith so that it increases. This is continual increase in holiness is sanctification.
There is also another type of trial however that moves beyond the norm but is probably the most precious. This is a trial that you can’t complete on your own. There is a saying that says “God will never put anything on you that you can’t handle.” This is unbiblical. God does tell us that there will not be any temptation upon us that we can’t find an escape from, but it doesn’t say that we can handle anything that is thrown at us. You see, this most precious trial that I am speaking will force you to rely on God to get through it. It may take 10 years, it may take 10 minutes. If you are truly a child of God, know that this trial will come upon you.
When this trial is upon you, you will realize what Paul meant about praying in the spirit with groanings which cannot be uttered. In this time, God is pruning you. The only way through this is to die to self and abide in Jesus and let him abide in you. We need to realize that it is only because of his strength that we can even take the next breath.
“For by him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And he is before all things, and in him all things consist.”
Friend, look over your life. If there is anything in your life besides Jesus that you can’t live without, CUT IT OFF. Otherwise, he may do it for us. We need not our own strength to reach our destination. He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.
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