Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 30 – Isaiah 61:1-6

Today is the last day for this study. It has been 30 days of scriptural dessert that could nearly cause a spiritual diabetic coma. The passages I have entertained here for our study are richer than any earthly delight, and the truth ringing within leads our hearts to a common purpose, being servants of the King.

Coming now to this last passage, I am planning to take the advice of our mission’s director and continually look over these passages until the time for this particular trip to Romania is upon us.

1 Peter 2:5 says: “you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

All too often, we fail to see that God has called each of us to be ministers of Jesus. These bodies of flesh are to be his temple and the Spirit is to Abide within us. All of us are also called “Priests” and with that, comes many responsibilities.

We live in a lost and dying world. We are to preach the gospel to those who are poor in spirit; Spread the news of a Blessed Hope to the afflicted and brokenhearted; To proclaim the Liberator to those in sin’s bondage; To proclaim the return of our Lord and Savior; and to comfort all those who have cause to weep for the state of this fallen world.

All you who are meek should consider all that the Lord has promised and bear witness to his truth till his return. There is a day coming when all will be made whole. Till then, continue in God’s Grace and run the race set before us.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 27 – John 21:15-21

Here, three times Jesus asks Peter if he loved him. The same number of confirmations is given as was his denials on the night that Jesus was arrested.

In love God sent his son. In love, Jesus came and gave his life for us. There is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends. Jesus asks no less of Peter. He tells him “Peter, if you love me, feed those who would become part of my flock.” “Peter, if you love me, then watch over my disciples and keep them from the evil one.” “Peter, if you love me, feed my disciples who hunger and thirst after righteousness.”

Jesus had already told the disciples that he was “The Way” (the only way) and that they should walk in it. He had told them that he was “The Truth” and they should believe in him and have everlasting life. He had also told them that he was “The Life” and all who fell short would perish. Now he at this resurrection meeting with his disciples he is telling them to carry on his ministry.

During their time with Jesus, he was the one who sought the lost, taught his disciples, kept them from the evil one and laid his life for all of us. Now he is asking them to do the same. Don’t worry about the ministry that he gives to others. Serve him just as he calls you. In love he served us and it is in that same love that he asks us to serve others.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 26 – John 15:1-16

As a Christian, I have often found myself walking down a hard road and wondering how “I” could possibly ever make it through the situation. To my discredit, many times I have failed to make it down that road only to find that I keep coming back to it over and over.

There are trials placed before us that we must complete in order to grow in holiness. One type of these trials is placed before us to stretch our understanding, to make visible our weaknesses and to challenge our faith so that it increases. This is continual increase in holiness is sanctification.

There is also another type of trial however that moves beyond the norm but is probably the most precious. This is a trial that you can’t complete on your own. There is a saying that says “God will never put anything on you that you can’t handle.” This is unbiblical. God does tell us that there will not be any temptation upon us that we can’t find an escape from, but it doesn’t say that we can handle anything that is thrown at us. You see, this most precious trial that I am speaking will force you to rely on God to get through it. It may take 10 years, it may take 10 minutes. If you are truly a child of God, know that this trial will come upon you.

When this trial is upon you, you will realize what Paul meant about praying in the spirit with groanings which cannot be uttered. In this time, God is pruning you. The only way through this is to die to self and abide in Jesus and let him abide in you. We need to realize that it is only because of his strength that we can even take the next breath.

“For by him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And he is before all things, and in him all things consist.”

Friend, look over your life. If there is anything in your life besides Jesus that you can’t live without, CUT IT OFF. Otherwise, he may do it for us. We need not our own strength to reach our destination. He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 25 – John 9:1-7

Last night was the culmination of our youth crusade and we had over 1200 students packed into our church building. 97 of them left having made commitments to Christ. God is good. As awesome as that is, there is still work to be done in this city.

I believe it was Adrian Rogers that once said that it “is getting gloriously dark”; meaning of course, that the end appears to be coming and the world is getting more and more sinister.

There should be a sense of urgency in us to spread the Gospel that Jesus preached to the world. We are preaching however to people that are mostly blind. Paul said “But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age (Satan) has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.”

Like the man in this story, we were all spiritually blind from birth. We must work while it is still day to reach others. The night is coming when no one can work. We must spread the gospel.

Oh Jesus, come and shine a little light on your subjects. Take the dust of the earth and make new eyes for us and then open them so that we might see.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 24 – Jonah 4


There are days when I get so wrapped up in myself and my own desires that I forget what my purpose is here on this earth. I forget that your ways are not my ways. I forget that your plans are not my plans. I can only learn a small part of what has happened before my days, and only see limited amounts of the present. How can I ever question any of your actions?

There is a day coming that you have planned since the beginning when all of your actions will manifest into the return of our Savior. Looking back, we will know that your plan was perfect. Looking around at such a great cloud of witnesses, we will know how perfect your love is.

I fear that I fail constantly in practicing your compassion in the lives around me. I fear that some may needlessly suffer because of my fear and hard heartedness. Father, give me your eyes to see those who struggle so that I may share their burden. Give me your ears to hear the suffering cries so that I may comfort them. Plant in me your truth that I may pass it on. Let them hear you when I speak. Let them see you when my actions come to their attention.

Protect my heart oh God and make it yours.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 23 – Psalm 103

I sat for a while this morning reading this passage several times. How rich were the words that David wrote. The heights that he climbed in his writing, amazes me.

This chapter sets my mind in motion and reminds me to thank God for all that he has given to me. I thought that I might attempt to write down all of the material things but it would be boisterous and futile since it all belongs to him.

In a fleeting thought I decided that I might possibly list some of the things that He has not given me which could be both a blessing and blasphemy depending on what was written.

I then debated on writing down the non material things that He has given to me but I realized there isn’t near the time in my life to do so.

I have decided instead to list my top item from each of these lists. In these three items I hope you see the reason I can serve him with such gratitude.

1. God gave me a Savior. His name is Jesus and he died for my Sins.
2. He did not give me Hell, which I deserve.
3. He gave me forgiveness and salvation that I might dwell with him eternally.

The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. Thank you God! Blessed be Your name.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 22 – Psalm 100

Looking down through the days that are remaining in this study, all but the last day focuses on serving. Today’s topic simply says “Serve with Gladness”.

I find these days that I may get nervous or fearful about serving God, but it is with all joy and gladness. We serve a risen Savior that bore all of our sins on the cross at Calvary. Regardless of how difficult the task I am given, I know that the cost is not comparable to the suffering that was poured out on him.

James told us to count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. All of our experiences are found to be trials, and like James we are to count it all joy to be part of the process. Why God uses men to be part of his redemptive process, we many never fully understand.

We are to know that the Lord, He is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. The potter is still forming the clay.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 21 – Jonah 1:1-3, 3:1-10 and 4:1-3

While I was in Washington DC this past week, I visited the Smithsonian Museum of American History. As I walked around through the various exhibits, I came across one that displayed the typical life of slaves prior to the civil war. There were pictures of everything from the lifestyles they lived, to the agonies that they endured.

In one section, there was a family that was gazing at some of the pictures of the worst scars imaginable on the back of one of the men. The father of the family looked up directly into my eyes when I came into the exhibit and said “I don’t see how anyone could ever think that they could own another human being.” The words he said, I doubt any would argue with, but the hatred that glared in his eyes towards me was undeserved. At making the comment, his children stared up at him and then followed his eyes to then stare into mine; their hatred too flashing back behind them.

This story in Jonah reflects a similar hatred that Jonah had towards the people of Nineveh. Jonah it is certain had taken issue with these people over their deeds of the past. Undoubtedly either he or his family had in the past been captive or persecuted by these people and he was prejudiced against them.

When we have these thoughts that the world rotates around us (as men), we suddenly end up with wrong views of God’s providence. The apostle Paul said “ …we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. “

There are evils that men do and they will one day have to make an account of their actions to God. God is their creator and God will be their judge.

When you next see someone undeservedly prospering or being given opportunities that they haven’t earned, remember the last verse in Jonah:

God was speaking and he said “ Should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left… ?”

There is more I want to write on this, but it would take a chapter. Perhaps I will revisit this topic sometime. God is in control. It is his desire to show give drops of mercy on whom he has mercy; showers of blessings on whom he will reign.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 20 – Matthew 21:18-19 and Galatians 5:22-23

This same illustration is used over and over throughout the New Testament by at least five different writers. I think my favorite account is from in Matthew 7:15-20. Here, Jesus is referring to anybody who says they are proclaiming God’s truths and precepts.

Matthew 7:15-20

You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

These passages can chill you to the bone. In Galatians 5:22-23, we read that the fruit of the spirit is seen as love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Be careful though. Don’t use this as a checklist to model your life by. Instead use this as a checklist in your past actions to determine the state of your heart.

You can take a Maple tree and hang the best apples on every branch. Someone who knows nothing about trees may even come by and pick those apples and marvel at how good they are. If an apple farmer came across this same tree in his orchard, he wouldn’t be fooled for even a second because he would be able to see its true nature. Knowing that it was a Maple tree, he would cut it down and destroy it because he knows that it doesn’t belong in his orchard. An evil man can outwardly show all of these signs of the fruit of the Spirit; but in the end God knows the heart and the difference. In Proverbs it says that even the plowing of a wicked man is sin.

Lord, allow me this day to see beyond the leaves and branches of my outward appearance so that I may look upon my heart and the true motives of my actions. Let your Spirit rest on me and truly change me to a fruitful tree for your glory.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 19 – Luke 10:25-35

We are all walking on a dangerous path. It may be a path littered with distractions and forks, or it may be that some are just on the wrong path.

Jesus said that he is the “way” the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through him. The word that Jesus used for the “way” ( hodos ) actually meant “road” or “journey”. This is the same word that Jesus uses in this parable when it said that there was a priest and a Levite who came down that “road” where the fallen man was laying. Both of them saw the man, but passed on by.

There are many of us who are on this same road; that are in the “way”. There are however many who have started down the road but have fallen or ran into unfortunate circumstances. When we come across those who have fallen, it is our duty to help our neighbors get back on the road even if it means getting a little dirty or denting our wallets. We would wish that our neighbors would also be so kind to us if it were us lying battered in the ditch.

The primary goal of having this passage in our study actually wished that we would focus on an aspect of this story that is often overlooked; If not overlooked then at least not discussed often.

We notice in the parable that the Samaritan departed before the man was completely well. He may have had urgent business or an appointment to keep. Regardless of the reason, he had gotten the man to a point where he was reasonably safe and left him in the care of the inn keeper. He didn’t stop there though. Since he couldn’t stay, he provided for the needs of the man.

There are times when we see our neighbors straying or fallen on the way. So after the priests and Levites have passed by, it is our duty to help them back up and to provide for them till they are back on their way. In its very essence, that is what being a neighbor is all about.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 18 – Acts 15:36-41

In the endeavors that purpose our days, there often arises strife and contention with those that work with us. It often is because of the methods that each individual wishes to follow.

As the old adage goes, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat.” I am not sure when the great “Cat Skinning” debate began, but apparently there cropped up several different skinning methods that were fairly well known. (Back off PETA, I have Jesus and he’s not afraid to use me.)

This passage today reminds us that any endeavor will usually have opposition. It may be opposition from the world, and it could even be opposition from within. No one is immune to pride, not even the great men like Paul and Barnabas. I am certain that both had what they thought were valid reasons, but such division should be uncommon to us as Christians.

Jesus said that we are to forgive our brothers as many times as they sin against us; even seven times seventy is the number he used. We should be just as willing to forgive others that God is. If we were to count each time that we have sinned against God, the numbers would stagger us. Even more staggering is the fact that he is willing to forgive us for such sins through the blood of Jesus. Oh that men could carry their own cross and forgive so abundantly.

O Lord, walk with us on our Journey and give us strength to forgive each other when the trials come.
Day 17 – Matthew 20:20-28

The truest measure of a man isn’t measured by men, but by the God he serves. Greatness cannot be achieved by merely asking, this is a faith of action.

Learn from the great men of the past. Take for instance Martin Luther King JR and Abraham Lincoln. Both are not known for the great things they did for themselves, but for the great things they did for others. The highest example of this of course is Jesus dying on the cross for us. No love could be greater than for a man to lay down his life for a friend; much less for all of them.
Day 16 John 11:39-40

I spent the afternoon walking around in Washington DC today. It is rare when I travel that I ever get to see anything but occasionally the timing fits. I started out at the Lincoln Monument. For some reason, I felt like that was the place to start. I stood and read some of the things that are written there; some inspiring and some dissapointing.

When God speaks to us, we should faithfully do as he asks. Sometimes it may be that there will be a great stench unleashed, but that shouldn't be suprising in a world full of dead men. When Lincoln took his first term in office, there was a threat of Civil War in the air. He too would soon have a stone to roll back regardless of the stench behind it. As promised, there was great Glory to God shown from it. I think Lincoln summed it up pretty well in the last part of his second address after the war was over.

"The Almighty has his own purposes. "Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!" If we shall suppose that American Slavery is one of those offences which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South, this terrible war, as the woe due to those by whom the offence came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a Living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope—fervently do we pray—that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether"
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations." - Abraham Lincoln

God is calling..... Roll back the stone.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 15 – Numbers 13:25-33

I come to the midway point of this study today and find that the tone of this passage reflects my mood. I have and am still struggling with my place in God’s plan. Like the people of Israel, I feel like a grasshopper within my own sight and within the sight of our people.

Today’s passage reminds me that I have been called by God and that He will be my strength for his purpose. With that strength, I will be able to stand and proclaim the word of God. Whether it is leading the people through God’s calling to preach or the more daunting task of continually exhorting the people like Joshua and Caleb, I will serve Him.

This people that we live among are very much like the Israelites. They too are a people who have been led to a Land of Milk and Honey, but refuse to cross over. The Giants are different, but the temptation of the world outside remains. Such abundance they have had in this world that there is not a sense of longing for better things. They have never known the wilderness and hunger. They simply want to stay in the world and then die.

I fear however that they too will soon discover that their fears will soon enough be realized. There will come a day when God will close the doors and the opportunities to enter the Promised Land will no longer be open. All can walk up to the gates of the land but only the children of God will be allowed to enter.

This world truly is a land that devours its inhabitants and all the opposition in this land is truly of great stature. We have been commanded however to subdue it. So come let us follow the words of Caleb “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.” If God is with us, who can be against us.
Day 14 – Psalm 85

I find this morning that it is no coincidence that I received an E-mail yesterday from a friend regarding this very same topic.

We live in a country and a time when Romans 1:18-32 would appear to apply directly to us. As a country, we have created a god that suits our needs. We have traded the truth for the lie by twisting what people “think” it means in order to live in the flesh and burning with lust. There are people in this country that follow the teachings of men and women who are far from the truth and are teaching and preaching to itching ears.

Woe to this country if God doesn’t shed his grace on us. He is our only hope of revival. Even as much wickedness rules, there have been times past when the Lord has awakened this sleeping country and revived his people that are within.

Like in this Psalm, I pray that God would not remove his favor on this country. Instead I pray that He would grab it by the blue collar and shake it awake. Open eyes and ears because they will not see or hear unless He does. There is glory to be received from this people and a land that needs to be healed.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 13 - Acts 4:1-19

I got home from my trip to Minneapolis yesterday. Although I have traveled regularly for over 10 years, the routine of going out on the road has never settled in. Regardless of how much I like the area or how nice the hotel is, it isn’t home.

When an unbeliever hears the Gospel, no amount of words that we say could ever convince them of the truth. They will use anything they can to deny it. They can/will argue the points of scripture that we present. They can’t however explain/deny the testimony of a changed life; it could be when they see the shy behaving boldly in the name of God; the addict free from his addictions; the drunk now sober and functioning in society; the healed family of a once broken home; perhaps even the body of someone miraculously healed. As with all of these examples, there is no argument against a changed life.

When God enters our lives, there is a marked difference. We should be visibly set apart from the rest of the world. Perhaps they will even marvel at the change. Like John and Peter, people should be able to know that we have been with Jesus. When they ask why we are different, we should be ready with the answer. “There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 12 Matthew 4:1-42

This study again takes me to this same passage. You could probably camp here for a lifetime with so much content. The header for this passage in yesterday’s study simply said “The unlikely witness”. The intended focus was to show that once cleaned, any vessel could carry the Living Water as well as have the source within them.

The header today reads “The Expected Result”. Jesus intentionally went into Sychar because there was as specific purpose. There was a woman there which Jesus could use to reach others and he sought her out. It was no accident that Jesus just so happened to be resting at this point when she appeared at the well.

God sends rain upon the Earth for both the Wicked and the Righteous. There is grace abounding in every action and only providence can see the purpose with clarity.

As we go forth, know that in God’s eyes we already stand before Him with a stone in our hands. Upon this stone is the name he has given us which no other yet knows. Look upon this rock and see it written. No more will there be Smith, Cooper or Miller. Gaze at your name and realize what it means. Perhaps it is Faithful, Loving, Joyful, Peacemaker, Meek, Pure, Patient, Broken, Merciful, Gentle, Temperate or simply Son. Regardless of the name, it has been written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. When you gaze upon your stone it will have been written there too. Now, go live up to it because we were sought out for a purpose too.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 11 Matthew 4:1-42

When she came to the well for water, she didn’t realize exactly what she was missing. All she knew was that she had a thirst, and it would temporarily be satisfied by the water from the well. Unfortunately, the pot that she had would only hold so much water and she would need to return for more when it ran out.

This was a woman which most Jewish men wouldn’t even associate with because she was not only apparently rather friendly with men, she was also a Samaritan. Here however, we have Jesus not only going out of his way to meet up with this woman, but he also draws her into a conversation.

After coming face to face with her, she left eager to tell everyone of this man that she met and who she thought he was. Notice however that she left her water pot behind. She now had the knowledge of the living water springing up within her. She was now the water pot. Being such, she went into the city and spread the living waters around. By doing so, many more came to Jesus and believed in him because of the testimony of the woman.

This is so true for us all. There was a time that we were once just common clay vessels only using ourselves to go from one thirst to the next. We need to become Christ’s water pot and carry the living waters to the nations.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 10 Matthew 28:16-18

I have spent the entire day today in meetings. I want to thank the Lord that I have a job where I normally work from home without all of these distractions. It can be very overwhelming. I am going to keep this days entry short and sweet because I have been up since 4am and I am mentally exhausted. I should practice what I preach and give God what is right; not what is left.

Reagardless of whether you worship him whole heartedly or with some reserved doubt, all authority has been given to Jesus. He resides at the right hand of God. It is inn your name, I will "Go". Here I am, send me.

The Love of God - Old Hymn sung by Mercy Me.

The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell
It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell
The guilty pair, bowed down with care
God gave His Son to win
His erring child He reconciled
And pardoned from his sin

Could we with ink the ocean fill
And were the skies of parchment made
Were every stalk on earth a quill
And every man a scribe by trade

To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry
Nor could the scroll contain the whole
Though stretched from sky to sky

O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints' and angels' song

I thank you Lord for the blessings you have given me even in the smallest of measures for I know each has a single heavenly purpose. May the lamb that was slain receive the reward of his suffering. I am eternally grateful and I will eternally thank you.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 9 Matthew 28:19-20

As I write from my hotel room in MN, please excuse my grammer and spelling as I am without the luxury of spell and grammar check. To make matters worse, I am trying to transcribe my handwritten notes from the plane trip here this morning.

"To be or not to be" isn't the question. The question, is "To go or not to go".

It is not merely enough to sit idle within a congregation and never contribute to the great commission. However, this participation may look differently for each individual. Does this merely mean visiting or contributing monetarily towards local and global missions? No... "Missions", starts at home and it has been commanded since the beginning. "The beginning?" you ask? The great commission was neither new to the New Testament nor is it commanded firstly in this context by Jesus.

The great commission has been repeatedly commanded through the ages. Take the first instance we have recorded in scripture:

Genesis 1:28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Over and over this same command is repeated throughout scripture. Genesis 9:1, Genesis 17:20, Genesis 35:11, Exodus 1:7, Isaiah 60:22, Jeremiah 23:3 Malachi 2:13-15 and then here again in Matthew 28:19. The chief end of Men was/is to Glorify god. So again I say, Missions begin in the home. As parents it is our duty to raise Godly children, respecters of men and observers of God's glory. We should prepare them to walk along the mission fields. Preparing them to also raise their own Godly children. Feeding them from the abundance of the table for the wedding feast.

We are to help create disciples in our homes and within our community. We are also to teach them to build up disciples of their own and support them when they move out on their own. This is not a mission that ends. Even when our children are out on their own, perhaps God will bless them with their own children. We then must help support them and continue on in the area of missions that God gives us. There is a need for light in such a dark world. Be the salt of the Earth.

Remember that Christ was to be called Immanuel, "God with us". Even to the end of the Age.

Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

The end of the age will come. The word must be preached/taught till it reaches all the nations. Failure to participate in the commission is the spirit of anti-Christ. It delays the preaching of the Gospel and works against bringing saints into the Kingdom.

Don't give them a choice over hearing the Good news or the Bad news... Go, and give them the Good news first.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 8 – John 6:1-14

A lad comes forth holding his meager lunch. A Hebrew Happy Meal some have called it. It was only five small loaves of bread and two small fish. I have heard people ramble on continuously about the type of bread and the size of the sardines that a typical lad for this region might have had, but I think the focus should stay on Jesus and those willing to serve him.

Items to note. (Some of these come across more as sermon outlines…. So be it)

• Jesus let the disciples realize that they could not feed these people with their own possessions.
• Jesus sought someone willing to supply everything they had without reluctance. Do you find it unusual that there was a child near enough to the group that he was singled out? The children always tend to come closer to God.
• The lad didn’t have much, but he gave it all to Jesus. What was given to Jesus was then multiplied.
• Everyone near to God shared in this blessing, regardless of what they believed about Jesus.

Jesus sought. Jesus received. Jesus multiplied. Oh how often is the circumstance ripe for the same to happen in our lives? “What we give him” isn’t as important as the motive and intent from our heart. If we give all for the glory of God, then he will surely use it according to His will.

How often too however are we the “Phillip” in the bunch? Notice what he says in verse 7. He is basically saying that they do not have enough money to feed so many. They just don’t have the resources. When he was counting their resources, he forgot to include Jesus in the equation. Sometimes being too practical is a negative. Faith in God can stretch everything we have when he sets out to bless us. I notice also that Jesus didn’t ask him “How” we might afford enough bread to feed the multitude; he was asking “where” they were to get it.

When we see/know the will of God in different situations, we must work to see it through. Just like the lad, we need to make ourselves available to God and give him everything we have. It may be something meager like the a few loaves and fishes, but he already owns it, how could you possibly deny him of it.

Lastly I notice that when God sets out to bless a people, there is more than enough to go around. When I think of what the Lord has done for me, I can only sit amazed and wonder why.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 7 – Ephesians 5:1-15

When I was growing up, my dad would often take us to caves. Caving was a passion he had, and he helped to map many caves within our area. Inevitably, we would end up deep within the cave to stop and rest and we would all turn off our lights and sit amazed at the darkness. With no light whatsoever from the sun penetrating into the Earth, you can see absolutely nothing; not even the faint movement or shadow from a hand passing in front of your face.

Eventually someone would be the first to relight their carbide light or an electric head lamp. With the light on, the first thing you see is not the person that is wearing the light, but the beam of light being projected out from the reflector of their light. Their lights are not focused on themselves; they are focused on their surroundings and the people in your midst. Then you notice every particle of dust in the path of the beam. Slowly afterwards as your eyes begin to readjust, you can start making out the faces of the people with you.

We live today in a world filled with darkness that is in dire need of light. Unlike a cave, the darkness of this world will destroy but the light we possess can light the entire face of the earth. The problem falls back to men. If they choose, they can still close their eyes and be in darkness; regardless of how much light surrounds them.

1- Be imitators of God as dear children. Lead by example. Raise up the flocks like Abel and seek out your people to dwell among.
2- Walk in love. Show your love to God by giving your life to him.
3- Strive to be blameless in the sight of others. When others are among such a great cloud of witnesses, you should be showing them light, not rain.
4- Quit looking like the world. Be set apart.
5- Only Children receive the inheritance of the Father.
6- Guard your heart. Test what you’re taught and the things you understand against the Word of God.
7- Do not keep the company of fools nor partake in their folly.
8- Don’t walk like an Egyptian. You are a child of God.
9- There is good fruit upon every good branch. Prune off the dead and dying limbs.
10- Don’t just read the word, study it and follow it’s truth. Take delight in pleasing the Lord.
11- Shine the light into the darkness and expose what is hidden behind it.
12- Don’t even speak of evil. You may unknowingly entice another with it’s lusts.
13- Look upon the dark when you have shined the light upon it. You will discover that there was something more sinister lurking in the darkest parts.
14- Don’t have the light? Wake up. Arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.
15- Narrow is the way and straight is the path. Let the Word light your path; take one step at a time.

God has made nothing that will sit before/upon the table which isn’t fit to serve. In the meantime, go shine your light.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 6 – Isaiah 6:1-12

I sit to write this morning at what on our calendar is the beginning of a new month. Today, Second Baptist Church is holding the first game of the season for our “Upwards” flag football ministry. All of the kids will be excited and many hours of hard work will start to be realized as unforgettable memories are made. Last year we had an entire family come to the Lord as a result of this ministry, and I pray that this year will also be as fruitful. Even the planting of one seed towards repentance of a lost soul will be more than worth all the work that has gone it by all of the coaches, referees and other staff that helped with the administration and planning.

Isaiah briefly had a vision of the Lord in all of his splendor and glory. Although only a vision, Isaiah came face to face with the Lord and was suddenly overwhelmed by his presence. Confronted by pure holiness, he realized that there was no way that he could consider himself as anything other than wretched.

Then, he heard the voice of the Lord. The Lord wasn’t crying out like the Angels that surrounded him. The same small still voice that accosted Elijah was calling out to Isaiah and it asked “Whom shall I send, and who will go for US?” This same voice cries out to each of us daily.

There may be different levels of service and different measures of need, but we must all answer the same way. This answer need not be given verbally to God. Just responding to a question doesn’t mark your obedience. Whether one at a time or before crowds, we must stand before the people and proclaim, “Here I am, GOD sent me! He is Holy, Holy, Holy. The Earth is full of His glory.”

There are precious souls out among the crowds that need to hear word of God. He is speaking to them but they refuse to hear. God’s glory surrounds them, but they refuse to see. He gives them understanding, but they refuse to apply it.

There is coming a day when the cities will be uninhabited and laid to waste. There will be empty homes and desolate lands. The spiritual famine is already upon us and the forsaken places are many in our midst. There is still time, GO………

God grant me the strength, wisdom and knowledge to effectively stand before your creation and proclaim your good news. Show me my cross daily and direct my paths. Open eyes so that they may see; grant hearing so that they may hear and draw hearts to your understanding. Here I am Lord, send me.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 5 – 1 Kings 19:1-18

Every since I was a child, I have read of all these things that God has done in our lives. Such a great cloud of witnesses surround me. They are in the inspired words of men about our God. They are just as evident in the lives of men and women that we know.

Elijah in the chapter previously had trusted God and not only called down fire on the sacrificial altar, but had also trusted that God would send rain to end the drought. All these things were witnessed by the false prophets (who later didn’t fare well) and also by Ahab.

Now granted, I have never called fire down on the altar to consume a sacrifice in front of devil worshippers, but you would think Elijah would be spiritually “on top of the world” about right now. Instead his experience is short lived and he gets depressed. Maybe it was because a woman says she is going to have him killed but I rather think it was because Ahab had given the Glory of all the events to Elijah instead of God. Either way, when Elijah heard about it, he ran for his life and even prayed that God would take his life.

When we cross the highest mountains we must at some point pass through the valley below. Some journeys require supernatural strength and the Lord will provide the nourishment, but we have to eat.

From inside the mountain of Horeb, Elijah was still depressed and perhaps a little angry. When God asked him why he was there, he responded that he alone was still a follower of God and everyone else was against him.

I’ve been in that place before. I’ve been through a spiritual Samaria where nobody wants to give God glory and just like James and John I wished that God would call down fire them; how naïve to think that you alone are within the will of God.

That’s what God was telling Elijah. “See the wind tearing the mountain apart Elijah?” “Do you feel my power throughout all the Earth in this earthquake?” “See this fire I sent upon the mountain to consume everything?” God is telling him that nothing can stay his hand if that is way he chooses to work in the world.

And then….. There is that small still voice. “Listen for me Elijah.” “This is the way, walk in it” “Stay on the path, walk in the way.” God is here telling Elijah to quit worrying what the world is telling him. Jezebel has no power over God. Did Elijah so easily forget the strength of the Lord’s arm? No mortal man could so much as lay a hand on Elijah unless God had allowed it. Listen for the Lord Elijah.

Apparently Elijah got the point eventually. When he had learned the lesson, God revealed some things to Elijah. God had providentially set aside seven thousand in Israel. A remnant was held back. There always will be.

When things get tough, I too must sit back and remember that have believed in Christ. Just like the smoke from the sacrifice on the altar that Elijah has built, I have seen Jesus rise to the clouds and sit at the right hand of God. I have seen the drought come and go. I will trust in his providence and give him the glory. God give me strength.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 4 – Acts 1:1-12

I am feeling a little distracted this morning after I got my long awaited news from the Orthopedic Dr yesterday. I was hoping that there would be some kind of small surgery and a short recovery time to relieve the pain I have had, but instead the options that he gave me were not quite that simple. I am in a different brace for now that might help things. I will be praying about the other options.

As a born-again Christian, there is a gift that was given to us by God that enables us to carry out those tasks set before us. The Holy Spirit within us is the strength we claim, but only through our weakness can it be seen.

These truths were promised to us by Jesus, and we hear them now as men who were once deaf. Such sweet sounds are the words heard by a man who was once deaf. Even so there is much more beauty to be seen by men, who are all born blind, when they first see.

We don’t know the time when the end will come. We only know a few indicators and that certainly it will.

There is power when you receive the Holy Spirit. Just as the smallest measure of faith in our Infinite God is able to move mountains, there is also an infinite power in the work of the Spirit. Don’t think however that this power is yours to command at will. This power still originates with God and will thus be governed by his will. God doesn’t typically call the equipped; he will however equip those who are “Called” according to his purpose.
We shall all be witnesses to Jesus. This may be manifest in many different ways, but undoubtedly opportunity will be presented. I pray that I will see those opportunities and have the strength and guidance to act according to God’s will.

As the burnt offering rose to the throne room of God so that he might smell the sweet aroma of repentance, so also did Jesus rise up to be seated at the Father’s right hand. He is become our Sacrifice and High Priest. It’s only through this name can I come in prayer before God and it’s only through the same that I am seen justified.

I find myself looking to the heavens occasionally knowing that someday he will return the same way. When I gaze upwards during the day, a part of me expects to hear the trumpet blow and see the Lord coming on the clouds. However, it is not yet morning and there is still work left to do; even to the end(s) of the earth.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 3 – Psalm 119:2, 19, 105, 165

Love, they say, should be reciprocal and for the most part I would agree. I take issue however with some of the teachings that I have seen/heard lately. To keep things simple, let this be stated:
We love Him, because he first loved us. We have a Blessed Hope because He gave us Jesus, what more could we need? If you’re looking for your best life now, you’re nearsighted. Be careful that you don’t trade your birth right for a bowl of soup.

I am blessed, because I try to keep his testimonies and seek him with my whole heart. I am crushed when I fail Him. “I’d rather have Jesus than anything that this old world affords me”.

I am just a Sojourner in this earth. Although princes and principalities may oppose me, He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world.

Don’t we get it? Do we not realize that even though Satan and some of the angels fell, that God never sent them a redeemer?

God, who am I that you are mindful of me? Hold me accountable always. Help me to hear the words in my ear when you say “This is the way, walk in it.” Whenever I turn to the right or left, bring me back to the path. Narrow was the Gate, but the path is also. Illuminate this way. Keep my feet secure as the hind feet of the deer. Do not hide your commandments from me. Keep your precepts before me. Get glory from a wretch.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 2 – Mark 1:35-45

These first two texts that have been given are so rich one hardly knows where to begin in a journal. It’s like sitting down to a table for a feast that is covered with nothing but deserts. I am trying to limit myself to each of these texts as they come up each day. After all, “It is not good to eat much honey….” I think in this case that eating too much of the word of God isn’t always a bad thing, but I will definitely agree that once digested it can make for some bitter gall.

Slowing down and savoring each bite seems more prudent. I suppose I will have to look for other snacks during the day. A little meat to nourish the body is in order I think. I haven’t read through Ephesians in a while………….

To today’s text –

It is not yet daylight; Jesus is still risen and he sitting at the right hand of God interceding for us.
Everyone is still looking for a Savior. Make sure it is Jesus. How can two walk together lest they agree? When you think of Heaven, it should include Jesus. Otherwise it is still just Hell.
The people looking for him were instead looking for the “Man” that could heal them and cast out demons. Some perhaps only came for the spectacle. This is not a picture of a three-ringed-circus.

What “Purpose” did Jesus come for? It was later revealed, but you should look into the early days of his ministry and see what he is speaking of here. We all too often neglect the full purpose of the Gospel. Go back to Mark 1:15 and read what Jesus said. “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel.” Don’t think that the “Gospel” only includes the records in the New Testament. This “time” that has been “fulfilled” was prophesied in the Garden of Eden. The Messiah has come to crush the head of the serpent. You can’t neglect what happened “In the Beginning”. Only after wandering around in the woods for hours will you realize that you are lost.

Preaching in their synagogues and throughout all Galilee, Jesus had a message. Look at the Sermon on the Mount for the people. Look at the parables for both the people and the leaders. Look at Paul’s theology for the scholar.

I find it necessary to point out too that there were demons to be cast out. Some were even cast out of those who were in the Synagogues. Choose the word you hear carefully.


Bring your needs before God. To realize you have needs is to be poor in spirit. We are all spiritual lepers, tainted with sin. Sin has crept in. It has become full grown and will lead to death. Jesus Wept.

Great faith draws men to healing. They are imploring God to heal them. Most men seek the right source, they usually fail however to see the true need. God is willing that none should perish. Their suffering may be used to draw them near. Their leprosy may be intentional. A blind man would never yearn for sight if he never knew it was something to be had.

“And God said” such powerful words. “I am willing; be cleansed.” He is always willing, but some purposes are greater than Leprosy. A little rain is more enjoyable after the drought.

Go, give God the glory. There was an appointed ritual to give God the glory for the healing of Leprosy. (Leviticus 14:3) Yet the man instead told others about the man that had healed him.

Guard your heart. Give God the glory when it is due. Like a sheep we often run past the Shepherd and start eating the lush green grass of the field.

There is bread and wine at the table but I came for the company.
Monday, July 27, 2009

Today, I start on a spiritual journey in preparation for our Sept 28th mission trip to Romania.

Over the past month I have struggled significantly with the person I am, and my position in Christ. It all came to a head yesterday and I am now seeking God to help me through my dry season.

For the past 2 years I have studied non-stop, but just realized yesterday that I was doing it all for the wrong reasons. I have little doubt that I have a calling from God to teach/preach, but my study and preparation was done for the purpose of knowledge and not for the worship of God. So much time I have spent trying to fill the void between my ears and neglecting my duty to foster the relationship that God wishes me to have with him. My search for knowledge bloomed into an Idol. I went from worshipping the magnificent Word of God to worshipping the knowledge I had of him.

I look back on the days of my studies and see all the times that God has pressed my heart into a personal time of worship and regret the opportunities that I have undoubtedly missed because of my short sightedness.

Using a list given to me by our Mission’s Director, I will postpone the systematic studies that have enveloped me over the past year and begin a 30 day spiritual prep study.

Pray for me. Times are tough.

Day 1 - Psalm 51

What a place to start and oh so appropriate. This is the text I used for the 2nd sermon I ever preached. I should practice what I preach.

God sees no difference between Lust and Adultery and it applies to more than flesh and blood.
David laments here over his sin. His spirit is broken and the conviction of Sin obviously unbearable. His bones are broken. God broke them. Blessed are those who are poor in spirit. He has a need and knows it. He has sinned against God alone and is need of cleansing.
Isaiah 1:18
Matthew 5:3
Only the Blood of Jesus can cleanse us white as snow. Only the poor in Spirit realize the absence of his presence. Like Cain we often leave his presence, even if it’s not intentional.
Justified in the blood, but we must put on Christ to continually be sanctified. The sacrifice of the Lamb means nothing without the broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart. Isaiah 1:11
You can carry a cross and it just be manual Labor.
The Lamb can be killed, but you must have placed your hand on its head. The herbs are bitter, but you must eat it all before the day dawns. The skin goes to you, you are now a priest and its memorial should not be a thing to be arbitrarily displayed. You must throw off the old man and put on Christ.
Not a knock-off North Face Jacket. Not the knock-off Reboks. We need to put on the heir of God, not an air of resemblance. Know God, cast down your Idols.

It was in sin that my mother conceived me, but Oh God make me hear joy and gladness of your thoughts about me. Let me read those words on a white stone in my name. Search out all the hidden parts of me also. Even if they need to cry out within my soul, leave no stone left unturned. Let every part of my stony heart cry out Your name.

Create a clean heart me God and renew a steadfast spirit. Restore to me the Joy of Your salvation. By your grace, lift my heart to you.

Then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will be converted. It’s the need to give you Glory that drives me to work for you. You are the God of my salvation.

Do good, in your good pleasure. Keep clean this temple. Declare Holy ground within this heart and abide there till we meet face to face.